How are the machines assembled and commissioned at the point of use?

How are the machines assembled and commissioned at the point of use?
Moving various types of plant machinery to a new site involves many difficulties. Their dismantling, transport securing, means of transport and installation and commissioning at the new site have to be well planned. How can this be done so that there are no problems or delays?
Preparation for installation
The place where a machine is to be erected may be different from where it has previously been. Therefore, it is first necessary to plan where exactly it is to be located and how much space it needs so that the operator can do his job and the service technician does not have problems accessing selected components. The location of the machine can depend on various factors such as access to utilities, adequate ventilation or cooperation with other workstations. The condition and load-bearing capacity of the floor must also be checked. Stationary plant machinery often requires not only a straight substrate, but also adequate anchorage. Therefore, in some cases new foundations are required to be laid to provide a stable and solid base.
Safe and lawful
Large and heavy machines may require special equipment to carry out the internal transport and position the individual components in the right places. The assembly of machinery should be carried out on the basis of the manufacturer's technical documentation. This includes information such as:
- weight,
- dimensions,
- list of elements,
- installation details,
- initial start-up data,
- other information related to installation and operation.
Connecting the machine requires connection to a power source and, in many cases, to utility connections. This usually requires the assistance of authorised personnel. Disassembled cables, hoses and other machine components should be marked appropriately for transport so that fitters have no problem reconnecting them.
One device - many specialists
Before the first start-up, a cold start is carried out, during which the operation of various components is checked. A balancing test should also be carried out and the power supply should be checked for correct operation. If there are no abnormalities, the machine can be connected and calibrated. Some machines with a particular design may need additional safeguards to be performed or specific tests to assess the correctness of the assembly. The multitude of procedures involved in reassembling, reconnecting and commissioning a machine means that entrepreneurs are often forced to use external providers who do this comprehensively and legally. Only a team comprising mechanics, electricians, automation specialists, plumbers and other specialists can guarantee that the entire process will run smoothly and without complications.