How to prepare technical documentation for the relocation of machinery?

How to prepare technical documentation for the relocation of machinery?
The relocation of machinery consists of many steps, which must be well planned and carried out under the supervision of specialists. The individual steps include disconnecting the machinery and equipment from the utilities, dismantling the machinery and equipment, packing and securing it for the journey, transporting, unloading, assembling, levelling, connecting and restarting. An essential element of any well-conducted relocation is technical documentation.
What is the technical documentation needed for during relocation?
Dismantling and assembling individual machines and equipment on the basis of technical documentation can be carried out more efficiently and with appropriate safety precautions. The documentation, together with a site visit and the experience of those relocating the machinery, makes it possible to select the most suitable equipment for the job. Data on the dimensions and weight of the various components will be essential for preparing the transport. Also the calibration and cold start at the new site is based on information from the technical documentation. The parameters to be achieved must be in accordance with what the manufacturer has specified.
The installation of machinery in a new location often requires new foundations due to the lack of levelling of the ground or the possibility of stress. Foundations for machinery are built in accordance with the architectural and structural design contained in the technical and operating documentation for the given machine. The absence of a reinforcement drawing may require the creation of an appropriate plan.
Problems with technical documents of machinery and equipment
The sequence of steps to be followed when dismantling the machine should be in accordance with the technical and user documentation and instructions. In more complicated cases, a representative of the parent company must be consulted. Sometimes there is a lack of detailed information necessary for relocation activities. It also happens that the technical documentation is lost, the machine is very old or it was a prototype. It is then possible to try to obtain the necessary information directly from the manufacturer. In the absence of relevant documentation, the experience of the company that performs the relocation becomes very important. The smooth and safe disconnection and reconnection of machines will depend on the knowledge and experience of the employees.