How long does it take to move industrial lines?

How long does it take to move industrial lines?
The process of relocating a production line is a major operation that requires both efficient organisation and detailed knowledge of the constructions to be transported, as well as appropriate technical facilities. This is an extremely difficult task, not only because of the size and weight of the machinery being transported, but also because making even the smallest mistake can lead to the destruction of valuable production line components. Consequently, the company may be exposed to serious losses. This is why it is so important to establish a close cooperation with a responsible machine relocation company that provides professional services in the field of machine and production line relocation. By enlisting the support of professionals, you can be assured that all line components will be relocated safely and quickly, thus minimising the negative impact on the other production sectors of the given company.
How many steps must be taken into account when moving a production line?
The implementation of the production line relocation procedure usually begins with a site visit and the drawing up of a precise plan for the entire operation. Once everything has been decided and the appropriate equipment is in place, it is necessary to carry out the electrical and mechanical dismantling of the machinery. When dismantling the production line into parts, it is important to bear in mind the need to reassemble it and put it back into operation, which is why it is advisable to label all components accordingly and prepare detailed transfer documentation. Once the preparations for the removal of the machinery are complete, it is then possible to start loading and securing all the machines onto the provided means of transport. This is followed by the implementation of the transfer, the duration of which is largely determined by whether it takes place within one production site or to a new factory located in another city or country. However, the mere delivery of production line components is not the end of the relocation company's work. Once the cargo has been delivered to its final destination, the unpacking, positioning and installation at the new location must be dealt with.
How long does it take to relocate a production line?
Machine relocation is often used by companies that want to relocate or move part of their production lines from one city to another as part of their business expansion. There is no doubt, therefore, that in such situations the relocation of production lines or even individual industrial machines is an extremely large and labour-intensive undertaking. However, it must be remembered that each case must be considered on its own merits. All activities involved in the relocation of such units require the development of appropriate instructions, the use of technical and human resources and strict adherence to safety rules. Much also depends on how large the industrial line is, where the destination is located (on or off the current site), whether oversized transport of machinery is required, how the related logistics operations should be prepared, etc. In addition, if the relocation of a production line is to take place "in motion", i.e. during normal plant operation, it is the responsibility of the service provider to organise the operation in such a way that it has the least possible impact on the rest of the company's operations. Nonetheless, transport companies always make every effort to ensure that the transfer takes place smoothly and non-invasively for the client's other operations. The aim is to keep production line downtime as short as possible, which is why at Blachmix we attach great importance to logistics, determine the optimum relocation plan and work as part of a team to ensure that the equipment is up and running at its destination as quickly as possible.