How are foundations for machinery made?

How are foundations for machinery made?
Working machinery causes vibrations that are transmitted to the foundations and are not indifferent to the walls, ceilings and even the roof of the building. In order to ensure the durability of the foundations and to be sure that the machines will work properly, it is recommended that they are properly founded, which will also reduce the negative effects of vibrations. We suggest how to make a foundation for your machine and enjoy your floor for many years to come.
Laying the foundation for machinery
Foundations for machinery are subject to varying loads depending on the type of work being carried out and its duration. Loads can come from both stationary and moving parts of the machine, which must be taken into account when making new foundations. Before preparing a foundation for a machine, the shape of the foundation must be chosen and the size, load-bearing capacity and foundation of the machinery must be determined. This requires knowledge of the resultant loads and the ability to determine the dynamic inertial forces. A well-designed foundation for a machine should act in such a way that the natural vibrations differ from those induced by the machine, their amplitudes being smaller than permissible. It is worth remembering that the foundation should also be adequately decoupled from the rest of the building.
Types of foundations
We divide machine foundations into two types. The first are block foundations, which have the form of a solid block and often an irregular shape. They have recesses or holes specially designed for machines, which allows them to be properly anchored in the floor. They are characterised by high rigidity, so they do not deform. The second type is the framed foundation, which consists of a solid bottom slab with transverse frames stiffened by beams and a top slab of foundation. In addition to rigidity, this foundation provides the possibility of restraining rigid pillars, which is essential for the installation of rotating machinery, turbochargers or converters. The foundations are usually made of reinforced concrete, which ensures the proper functioning of the machinery and the durability of the foundation itself.